What Are the Types of Beef Ribs & How Are They Different - Z Grills Australia (2024)

There are a few types of beef ribs that you might find at the grocery store or your favorite barbecue restaurant. The most common types are baby back ribs, spare ribs, and St. Louis-style ribs.

But what do these terms mean? How are they different from each other? Keep reading to learn more about the different types of beef ribs!

What Are the Types Of Beef Ribs?

Beef ribs come in two varieties: short ribs and back ribs. Short ribs are taken from the chuck or plate primal cuts, whereas back ribs are obtained from the loin primal cut. These are the most frequent beef rib types that come from, including what we find at grocery stores and order in a restaurant.

So, how are these different from the common beef rib cuts in the grocery stores? Let’s find out.

Short Ribs

The term “short ribs” refers to beef taken from the brisket, chuck, plate, or rib areas of cattle. These types of ribs are usually cut into rectangular or square-shaped slabs.

Short ribs are one of the tougher types of beef due to the more extensive connective tissues, known as collagen and reticulin, in them. For this reason, they are often braised or stewed to make them more tender and flavorful.

Back Ribs

Back ribs, also called long ribs, are taken from the loin area of cattle. They are smaller and have a higher proportion of flesh to bone than short ribs. Back ribs are more delicate than short ribs because they have less fat and marbling.

They are typically cut into individual rib bones or rib slabs and can be grilled, baked, smoked, or roasted.

What Are The Difference Between The Two Types Of Beef Ribs?

The main difference between the two types of beef ribs is in their shape. Short ribs are shorter and flatter while the back ribs are longer and curved. The other difference is in the amount of meat that is on each type of rib.

Short ribs will have less meat because they come from the chuck primal which is a tougher section of the cow. Back ribs, on the other hand, will have more meat as they come from the loin primal which is a more tender section. However, these two types of ribs are still relatively tough cuts of meat.

What Are The Different Variations Of Beef Ribs?

What Are the Types of Beef Ribs & How Are They Different - Z Grills Australia (1)

The variation of beef ribs that you commonly find and know of such as spare ribs, baby back ribs, etc. came from the main two types of beef ribs mentioned above. These beef ribs will depend on where they are cut from and how they are prepared.

Unlike pork ribs, beef ribs are rarely sold as an entire rack. One reason is because of its size which is why it is cut in a variety of ways. That being said, it is important to know the different types (subcategories) of short ribs or back ribs.

So, we made a list of the most common variation of beef ribs, depending on how they’re cut:

  • Plate short ribs

These are the most common type of short ribs. The ribs are harvested from the cow’s chest below the brisket. The fat content of plate short ribs helps to let the moisture stay without drying out the meat, especially when smoking.

  • Chuck short ribs

As you can probably guess, these ribs are cut from the chuck area. This section is located at the shoulder of the cow and is a tougher area. Chuck short ribs will have more connective tissue than plate short ribs.

  • Back ribs

Back ribs come from the loin area which is located in the cow’s back. This section is more tender than other areas and that is why you’ll find more meat on the back ribs.

How Beef Ribs Are Cut?

There are different ways in which short ribs are cut. The type of cut will affect the shape of the rib as well as the cooking time. Here’s a list that you can use as your guide:

  1. English-style

These are cut perpendicular to the bone and will have a rectangular shape. This is the most common way that short ribs are cut.

  1. Flanken-style

These are cut across the bone and will have a thinner, elongated shape. Because they are thinner, they will cook faster than English-style short ribs.

  1. Boneless

As the name suggests, these ribs have had the bones removed. This makes them easier to eat but they can dry out more easily during cooking.

  1. Untrimmed

As the name suggests, this cut just means that the ribs haven’t been trimmed of any fat. This isn’t commonly likely to find in grocery stores, but you can buy untrimmed beef cuts from a butcher.

  1. Trimmed

These ribs have had the fat trimmed off. This makes them less fatty but can also make them dry out more easily.

  1. Riblets

These are the smallest pieces of short ribs and are usually only sold by the pound. They can be used for stews or soups.

You should note that these cuts are not exclusive to short ribs. You can find some of these cuts (English-style, boneless, trimmed) for back ribs as well. If you want a particular cut for your beef ribs, you should ask your butcher or the person at the meat counter.

Ready To Make The Best Beef Ribs?

One great way to cook beef ribs is through barbecuing. The intense heat of the grill sears the meat and locks in the juices, making for some delicious ribs.

Regardless of whichever type of beef ribs you want to grill, you should definitely use our Z Grill BBQ. Available in different models, our Z Grills BBQ can definitely help cook your beef ribs with consistent results. They are versatile and all in one smoker and wood-fired oven.
You can check out and learn more about Z Grill BBQ on our website. It’s definitely going to help you barbecuing beef ribs. Also, we have other products that can help to use from preparation to post-meal here of your beef ribs. Call or chat with us if you have any questions!

What Are the Types of Beef Ribs & How Are They Different - Z Grills Australia (2024)


What are the different types of ribs? ›

There are three significant cuts of beef ribs: short ribs, chuck short ribs, and beef back ribs, and they all come from different parts of a steer. A fourth cut, flanken ribs, is a product of how a grouping of ribs are cut and doesn't indicate the part of a cow the ribs come from.

What is the difference between beef ribs and beef spare ribs? ›

Baby back ribs, also known as loin ribs, are a leaner and smaller option, perfect for those who want a lighter cut. On the other hand, if you're looking for something heartier, spare ribs are the way to go. These cuts have more meat and are larger in size.

What is the most tender beef rib? ›

Back ribs are more delicate than short ribs because they have less fat and marbling. They are typically cut into individual rib bones or rib slabs and can be grilled, baked, smoked, or roasted.

What are the meatiest ribs to buy? ›

Country-style ribs are from the shoulder (or blade) end of the loin. With these, you'll find the most meat per bone and the least amount of fat.

Which type of ribs are most tender? ›

Baby back ribs are what's left leading to the spine after the spare ribs have been cut. These ribs are the most expensive and tend to be the most tender and least fatty. Country style ribs are meaty ribs and often come from the sirloin or butt of the pig.

How do you identify rib type? ›

The ribs are classified as follows:[11] True ribs: ribs 1-7 directly articulate with the sternum via costal cartilage False ribs: ribs 8-10 indirectly articulate with the sternum via costal cartilage Floating ribs: ribs 11 and 12 have no articulation with the sternum.

How do you keep beef ribs moist when smoking? ›

To keep ribs moist while smoking on a grill or oven, use a spray bottle to mist them with liquid (e.g., apple juice) every 20-30 minutes. Consider brining or marinating beforehand, maintaining a consistent temperature, and wrapping the ribs in foil to trap steam.

How do you pick beef ribs for smoking? ›

Beef Chuck Ribs

These ribs (first to fifth ribs) are found in the front quarter just above the brisket and shank. These ribs are meaty with shorter rib bones than the plate ribs. Chuck short ribs do well with low and slow methods like braising and smoking.

Are beef ribs a cheap cut? ›

Everyone has their favorite beef cuts, and for many, rib meat is number one. It's also among the most affordable cuts. They cost less than the beef cuts to which they are adjacent. Beef ribs have plenty of fat for taste, but also contain connective tissue.

What cut are Texas beef ribs? ›

These are the King of all BBQ for me. When you are eating BBQ in Texas you are typically eating what is known as short ribs or plate ribs. AKA 123A or 3 bone beef ribs which are trimmed from the mid-section of ribs 6 through 8. This cut can sometimes be difficult to find outside of a butcher shop.

What is the best cut of beef short ribs? ›

The best beef short ribs come from the chuck primal where the marbled serratus ventralis muscle is thickest. Originating near the second rib, serratus ventralis covers most of the cattle's rib cage but thins as it stretches to the rump. Short ribs can also come from the brisket, plate, and rib sections.

What is the difference between beef short ribs and beef long ribs? ›

Short ribs contain more fat than long ribs, which can make them more flavorful and tender when cooked properly. However, this also means that they're higher in calories and saturated fat. Long ribs are leaner, but still contain some fat that can help keep the meat moist during cooking.

What are thin cut beef ribs called? ›

Rather than being cut between the bones, Flanken Style Ribs are cut thin across the rib bones.

What is the difference between beef short ribs and prime rib? ›

Back ribs are attached to what we know as the prime rib, or rib roast. They typically have less meat attached to the bone than both of the short rib cuts, and this is because butchers allocate most of the meat found in this section to the pricey, money-making prime rib.

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