Thermomix Tomato Sauce - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes (2024)

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This recipe has taken almost 3 years! I am sure we have tried every thermomix tomato sauce recipe out there! Finally when the kids no longer need tomato sauce on everything to eat their dinner! They like my thermomix tomato sauce! So if your family hasn't got a family favourite, give this one a go. I finally got it to taste just like a store bought sauce and my family love it! :)

Thermomix Tomato Sauce - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes (1)

Serve this yummy tomato sauce withmy Italian Lamb Meatballs, or my Middle Eastern Sausage Rollsor my Muffin Tin Pies

Tomato Sauce - ThermoFun

Serving Size

approx 600g

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Thermomix Tomato Sauce - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes (2)


  • 1 medium onion, peeled and halved
  • 1000g Roma tomatoes, halved
  • 50g brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon coriander, ground
  • ¼ teaspoon chilli powder (use ⅛ teaspoon for less heat)
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, ground
  • ¼ teaspoon cloves, ground
  • ¼ teaspoon cumin, ground
  • 50g Apple cider vinegar
  • 50g freshly squeezed lemon juice (approx. 1 lemon)
  • 1 green apple, cored and quartered


  1. Place onion and tomatoes into TM bowl and chop 3 sec / speed 5.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and mix 5 sec / speed 5.
  3. Remove MC and place simmering basket on top of TM lid to catch any spatter and cook 60 mins / 100°C / speed 2 / MC off.


Store in fridge for up to a month.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Cris says

    Does it work with chopped canned tomatoes?


  2. Lucinda says

    Very nice - family approved! I did blend the sauce for a minute on speed 9 because I like a smooth tomato sauce.


    • thermofun says

      Great to hear Lucinda and it would be a nice smooth tomato sauce as well.

      NOTE: Always consult your thermomix manual when pureeing/blending hot foods.


  3. Amy says

    I made it with standard tomatoes and found it tasting a big sweet. Also the consistency is not smooth like bought tomato sauce.


    • thermofun says

      Hi Amy, unfortunately the sweetness in tomatoes can vary quite considerably from one to another. It sounds like yours must have been very sweet. The consistency that people like can also vary, so I'd suggest you 'blitz' it for a bit. Say approx. 30 sec/speed 9. I hope this helps. :)


  4. Naomi says

    Thanks so much for the recipe, we have a 3 year old who needs sauce on EVERYTHING so we will give this a shot!! How long do you think this would keep for?


    • thermofun says

      Hi Naomi, I hope your 3 year old loves it! it keeps in the fridge for well over a month. I haven’t tested it any longer than this as mine is gone within this time!


  5. Martin says

    Do you know how long this will keep in the fridge, and if it can be frozen ok?


    • thermofun says

      Hi Martin, it keeps in the fridge for well over a month. I haven't tested it any longer than this as mine is gone within this time! I have heard of people freezing it successfully but I haven't yet tried.


  6. Rebecca says

    This sauce tastes great, i wish i had de-seeded the Tomatos, got a few seed stuck in the sauce bottle but a quick shake and it's clear again. This wouldn't effect the flavour would it?


    • thermofun says

      Hi Rebecca - no I wouldn't think so. :)


  7. Eden says

    Why roma tomatoes?


    • thermofun says

      Eden, Roma are sweeter and more acidic and known for a lower water content - Which makes them perfect for tomato sauce.


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Thermomix Tomato Sauce - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes (2024)
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